Baptism - Carlo Ma'ayeh - May 11,2023
القلب - كارلو معايعة - The Heart - Carlo Ma'ayeh
A - I Am Wonderfully Made - By Paula Ma'ayeh
1-1 Why The Word of God became flesh? - Rev. Carlo Ma'ayeh
1-A - Bible School Seminar (Ambon) Day 1 Session 1: Greater Works - Session 2: The Church of the Overcomers - Carlo Ma'ayeh
1-B - Bible School Seminar (Ambon) Day 2 Session 1: The tree of knowledge of good and evil - Session 2: Overcoming the works of the flesh - Carlo Ma'ayeh
1-C - Bible School Seminar (Ambon) Day 3 (Renewing the Mind) Session 1: Christ's Righteousness - Session 2: Christ's Image - Session 3: Unbelieving Heart
1-D - Bible School Seminar (Ambon) Day 4: The Power of the Tongue - Carlo Ma'ayeh
2-1 Living by the Word of God / 生活由上帝的话 - Carlo Ma'ayeh
2-2 Abiding in Christ and obedience (Ministry time) / 你们要常在基督里和服从 (服事) - Carlo Ma'ayeh
2-3 Baptism in Water and Baptism in the Holy Spirit / 洗礼水和洗礼圣灵 - Carlo Ma'ayeh
2-A - Bible School Seminar (Nabire) Day 1 Session 1: The Church of the Overcomers - Carlo Ma'ayeh
2-B - Bible School Seminar (Nabire) Day 1 Session 2: Overcoming the Works of the Flesh - Carlo Ma'ayeh
2-C - Bible School Seminar (Nabire) Day 2 Session 1: You are what you think- Carlo Ma'ayeh
2-D - Bible School Seminar (Nabire) Day 2 Session 2: The Renewing of the Mind- Carlo Ma'ayeh
2-E - Bible School Seminar (Nabire) Day 2 Session 3: The Battle of the Mind - Carlo Ma'ayeh
2-F - Bible School Seminar (Nabire) Day 3 Session 1: The Condition of the Heart - Carlo Ma'ayeh
2-G - Bible School Seminar (Nabire) Day 3 Session 2: You reap what you sow - Carlo Ma'ayeh
2-H- Bible School Seminar (Nabire) Day 3 Session 3: The True Bride of Christ - Carlo Ma'ayeh
2-I - Bible School Seminar (Nabire) Day 4 Session 1: Repentance of Dead Works - Carlo Ma'ayeh
2-J - Bible School Seminar (Nabire) Day 4 Session 2: Offenses: When Love Gets Cold - Carlo Ma'ayeh
2-K - Bible School Seminar (Nabire) Day 4 Session 3: Allowing Love to Flow - Carlo Ma'ayeh
Abide in Christ - The Redeemed Christian Church of God/ Amman - Carlo Ma'ayeh
Agape Love and Forgiveness - Kasih Agape dan Pengampunan - Rev. Carlo Ma'ayeh
A New Commandment - Spokane First Marshallese Church 11 Mar 2018 - Carlo Ma'ayeh
Are You Really A Disciple of Christ? Melbourne July 29, 2018 - Carlo Ma'ayeh
Avoid Shipwreck! Fight the good fight of faith! - Rev. Carlo Ma'ayeh
Being faithful stewards - Menjadi pengurus yang setia - Rev. Carlo Ma'ayeh
Came to Serve, NOT to be Served - Datang untuk Melayani, bukan untuk dilayani - Rev. Carlo Ma'ayeh
Faith 1: The Word and the help of the Holy Spirit / 信仰 1: 上帝的话 - 圣灵的帮助 - Carlo Ma'ayeh
Faith 2: Changing into the Image of Christ by trusting & obeying Him / 信仰 2: 转变为基督的形象通过信任和服从他 - Carlo Ma'ayeh
Faith 3: Hindrances to change and the Power of the Cross / 信仰 3: 障碍来改变-十字架的力量 - Carlo Ma'ayeh
Following Jesus' Example 继耶稣的榜样 Rev Carlo Ma'ayeh
Forgive or Take to Court 原谅或采取到法院 - Rev. Carlo Ma'ayeh
Hungarian Fellowship / Melbourne 29/3/2009 - Carlo Ma'ayeh
Inspire Life Church / Melbourne 4-2-2018 / Carlo Ma'ayeh
Jesus Christ Lord and Savior - Carlo Ma'ayeh - Philippino Congrgation - Amman 23/12/2018
Jesus our Passover Lamb - Yesus Anak Domba Paskah kami - Carlo Ma'ayeh
Knowing God intimately & keeping His commandments/भगवान को कैसे जानें-Fiji - Carlo Ma'ayeh
Love Covers Multitude of Sins - El Amor Cubrirá Multitud de Pecados - Carlo Ma'ayeh
Mortifying the works of the flesh - 若靠著圣灵治死身体的恶行,必要活著 - Rev. Carlo Ma'ayeh
No Greater Love - Tidak ada kasih yang lebih besar - Carlo Ma'ayeh
Renouncing Discouragement 放弃气馁 - Rev. Carlo Ma'ayeh
Repentance & Back to the First Love - Pertobatan dan Kembali ke Cinta Pertama-Carlo Ma'ayeh
Spiritual Growth and Discernment आध्यात्मिक विकास और प्रभेद - Nadi, Fiji 15-08-2018 - Carlo Ma'ayeh
The Armor of Love 1 - Rev. Carlo Ma'ayeh
The Armor of Love 2: Offenses and the Power of Love - Rev. Carlo Ma'ayeh
The Baptism of Jesus, Death to Self - Baptisan Yesus, Kematian untuk Diri - Rev. Carlo Ma'ayeh
The Best Exchange: Losing my Life to Gain it /बेस्ट एक्सचेंज - Nadi, Fiji 12-08-2018 - Carlo Ma'ayeh
The Church of the Overcomers - Iglesia de Los Vencedores / Spokane April 15, 2018 - Carlo Ma'ayeh
The Cross & The Narrow Way / Word of Life Church - April 29 2018 - Carlo Ma'ayeh
The power of His Resurrection - Rev. Carlo Ma'ayeh
The Purpose of Trials (The Desert) - Melbourne 16 Sep 2018 - Carlo Ma'ayeh
The Second Coming of Christ. How to be ready. Inspire Life Church - Melbourne. Carlo Ma'ayeh
The soul and the Transformation to the Image of Christ - May 16, 2018 - Carlo Ma'ayeh
The Word, Love and The power of the Cross - Carlo Ma'ayeh - RCCG Covenant House Jordan
To Declare His Glory - Rev. Carlo Ma'ayeh
Transformation & The Weapons of our Warfare /Teen Challenge-Spokane 16 Apr 2018-Carlo Ma'ayeh
Trumpet Call to the Church to Repentance (audio) - Carlo Ma'ayeh
Wisdom of God VS Wisdom of man - Hikmat Allah VS Kebijaksanaan manusia - Rev. Carlo Ma'ayeh
1- Holy Bible KJV
2- The Prophetic Destiny of Jordan.pdf
Aaaah! HalleluYaaah! Concerning the Prophets.pdf.
Church of the overcomers
Entering His rest - Against all hope continue to believe.
I came to serve, not to be served. Pentecostal Church Medan ( pdf.Transcription) - Carlo Ma’ayeh
Prophetic Word received in Argentina.pdf
Repentance of dead works / Carlo Ma'ayeh
Seminar in Bible School, Ministry to the Finance Department and Different Churches, in Ambon, Indonesia.pdf
The Crucified life - The True Cost of Discipleship
The Power of His Resurrection (Message preached at Calvary Life Fellowship) pdf.
The Purpose of Trials (The Desert) - Carlo Ma'ayeh